Monday, October 8, 2007

Kongiganak New School By 2010

The Dick R. Kiunya Memorial School held a community meeting on October 8 at 7 p.m. LKSD superintendent Bill Ferguson gave a report to the community. Plans are in place for Kongiganak to have a new school building completed by the fall of 2010. In order to build the school, the community will need a letter from the village council allowing the district to have a building built on village corporation land. There was also some discussion about building a 500,000-gallon water tank for the new school.

Once the new school is built, the community would like to use the old school for community office space and community activities. In order for this to happen, the community will have to have funding available to maintain the old school. Excess heat may be available from the community power plant to heat the old school for little or no expense to the community. The current school is built on land that is no longer leased by the school district. Because the lease expired, the building may automatically be handed over to the community.

Some fuel oil was given out as door prizes and the meeting ended after about 45 minutes. If remember correctly, the Kongiganak school was built in the 1960s, so Kongiganak is due for a new school. I am very excited about the new school project.


skipvia said...

Good news for Kongiganak! New schools provide a great opportunity to rethink the whole process of educating kids. I sometimes think that we build schools and then try to figure out how to teach in them. Wouldn't it be great to figure out what to teach and how to teach and then build a school that would enhance that?

shphillip said...

Hi Kendra... .i was surprised to find this page when i googled 'uqiquq'. Pretty cool... anyways, i've been wondering what the latest news was on the new school. Guess we're not number one on the state list anymore... or we keep getting pushed back. Here's a little history on the old school... it is a product of the Molly Hootch case. Atam ask Ayaginaar about it... how the building of the school came about. Kitak-wa... nice page here.